Sunday, March 8, 2009

More Christian Movie Recommendations

Thanks to Torchlighters' "Heroes of the Faith" series (in conjunction with Voice of the Martyrs), kids and adults alike may be edified and inspired by real-life stories of uncompromising faith and commitment to Christ. The 30-minute personal stories highlight several saints in Church history, including martyred Bible translator William Tyndale, 17th-century preacher John Bunyan, missionary Jim Elliot, and imprisoned Romanian pastor Richard Wurmbrand (the founder of Voice of the Martyrs).

The films are colorful cartoons, and include great extras. Several of them are available through Netflix, if you don't want to purchase the whole set. I spoke with a couple of homeschooling moms from church this week, and two of them have used the films as part of their Church history curriculum. Many Christians do not know much about our shared legacy of faith, and these true stories of the saints who have gone before us are a great way to inspire a love of the Truth and similar passion for Christ in the younger generation.

Many thanks to Pastor Kevin Williams over at Puritan Fellowship for posting the trailers of all of these great films (you can view them here).

From the William Tyndale DVD jacket:

Living as a hunted fugitive has its challenges. King Henry VIII has ordered his bounty hunters to track William Tyndale down and William can almost feel them closing in.

William Tyndale’s calling is to right a great wrong. The church and government authorities have made it illegal to read, write or even speak the sacred Scriptures in English. The most important book ever written is being kept from all but the most educated and powerful people of the day. Sensing that God’s Word is for all people, William defies the authorities and begins the difficult and dangerous work of translating the Old and New Testaments.

William Tyndale DVD jacket This Episode of Torchlighters follows William’s adventures as he works in secret to complete his task. Friends and allies will help him along, but enemies may be lurking behind any corner. Children will be challenged by the story of how William risks his life to bring God’s word to England. When they see the sacrifice William is willing to make so that others may read the Bible, their appreciation for the Scriptures will increase.

Angry religious leaders burned William Tyndale’s Bible translations and other writings.

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